Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Saurus Scar-Veteran

This is one of my unit leaders. He's a tougher foot soldier -- our basic units are called saurus -- and he gets to wear a mystical, shiny helmet that protects him and lets him better lead his troops.

A few notes: He's primed and inked. (Primer is a neutral, thick basecoat that gets added first. I've heard a lot of reasons on why to prime; the reason I do it is that thin coats of paint don't cover plastic well, but thick coats of paint generally look terrible. Solution: put a thick undercoat down, and paint on that. Ink is a watered-down paint that runs into all the nooks and crevices; I don't see many painters put ink down first, but I learned to paint on my own, through trial and error, and this method works for me.)
Also: I made the helmet and about five other things you can't see in this photo (I'll load more pictures when this guy's in a more advanced state). There's a necklace, a loincloth and a belt. This is a perfect example of doing what looks cool rather than what's strategically best for the army -- this item's not that great, but I wanted to craft it!

The next few steps are: Painting, removing the base and crafting it, then assembling the final model. This guy needs to be taller than other saurus; since he's wielding a hand weapon, and not a spear like the rest of his unit, he's already going to get lost in the crowd somewhat. He's also getting a separate paint job -- like all my character saurus, he'll have white with blue scales and light brown skin. (I've finally settled on bronze skin and turquoise scales for my normal saurus.)

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