Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gatormen get some gator paintin'

First, the hat:

I know you've been waiting for it. Here's the first two coats of paint -- dark red (Citadel's "Scab Red," to be precise) and a second coat of white (again, Citadel's "Skull White" to be precise). The white and the portions where the red and white meet will get a very thin wash of black ink; then I'll go over them again, using "Skull White" on the fur and Citadel's "Blood Red" on the red portion. The antlers are still a work in progress; I suspect that figuring out how to use the jeweler's wire will take me a few tries.

And now the Gatormen:

They're turning out quite well, if I say so myself. Two of them, almost knocked out in a single evening -- now that's progress.

Here are the back scales. It's the most pathetically easy thing I've ever done -- an undercoat of white primer (P3 spray-on), a thin wash of Citadel's "Snot Green," then ComArt Coulours' "Transparent Forest Green" with just a touch of Citadel's "Chaos Black." The ComArt paint is intended for airbrushes; I have Anthony to thank for turning me on to the wonders that are airbrush paints. I keep looking at these scales, thinking that they were simply too easy, but I can't see what else I'd do to them.

Here's the second gatorman. As you can see, I haven't done any highlights yet, just washes and glazes; I still have to color in the ornaments, highlight all the reds and woods, then add the few metals that need to be added. Bronze, again; it's become the unifying metal for this group.

The blindingly white bases are actually based with sand. That'll get painted black then drybrushed up to brown and then off-white in some places; after sealant, I'll add the clear tacky glue to simulate water. It's worked well on the trogs so far.

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