While working on individual miniatures is all well and good, it's ridiculous to simply put together miniatures without a goal in mind.
I've put together two lists to represent my 1,000-point Lizardman armies. There's a few rules I have to relate for my 1,000-point lists before I can post them, though:
Skinks will always be in units of 10. Why? Simple -- I only have 30 skinks, 20 with javelins and shields and 10 with blowguns. I'm not in a position to blow $35 at the moment on more skinks, and the minimum unit size is 10. While blowguns are great, they only come on the skirmishing skink units, a group I'm not comfortable taking at 1,000 points. There's also strategic uses to having several smaller units of skinks, but the primary reason was economic.
Saurus will always use spears. This was a fortuitous dovetail between "useful" and "cool." Blocks of saurus, the lizardmen's primary foot soldiers, are tough and mean. Spears mean the second rank can also attack, meaning double the tough meanness. They're also a steal at one point a model. Also, a unit bristling with spears just looks at least 42 percent more awesome than one with swords or clubs, and that's a scientific fact.
Because I'm going for flash, these lists are a little awkward. 'Nuff said.
So, my standard 1,000-point list:
Saurus Scar-Veteran w/ light armor, shield and Scimitar of the Resplendent Sun; riding a Cold One mount (163 points)
Saurus Scar-Veteran w/ light armor, shield and Sacred Stegadon Helm (143 points)
Skink Priest, level 2,
w/ a Dispel Scroll and Cloak of Feathers (150 points)
Skinks x10 (50 points)
Skinks x10 (50 points)
Saurus x15, w/ spears (180 points)
Terradon Riders x3 (90 points)
Cold One Cavalry x5 (165 points)
That leaves 9 flex points, which will probably be blank for the time being. If anything gets changed in this list, it will be the Sacred Stegadon Helm for more saurus models. (It really is a cool helmet, but it's really, really bad!) The 59 points together make the Scar-Vet easier to kill, but translates into four more saurus and enough points to upgrade one to a command position.
And my Tetto'Eko army is even more awkward, but it'll be much faster than the typical Lizardman list. And it has a dinosaur!
Tetto'Eko (255 points)
Skink Priest, level 2, w/ Dispel Scroll; riding an
Ancient Stegadon with an Engine of the Gods (415 points!)
Skinks x10, w/ a Kroxigor (105 points)
Skinks x10, w/ a Kroxigor (105 points)
Terradon Riders x4 (120 points)
That's 1,000 points spot-on. Really, this is a glass hammer list -- it's all about zipping about the board and forcing the ancient stegadon down my opponent's throat. Tetto'Eko is contractually obligated to smash comets into the enemy once or twice a game (they're magic comets, so that's scarier than it sounds).
I added kroxigors (think bigger, stupider saurus) to the skink units for some extra punch, but I may just turn those units into skink skirmishers later. They'll lose some killy power, but they'll be harder to kill and more effective in limiting my opponent's movement since they can move through terrain. (The kroxigors also serve the vital role of adding more big units to the army, making it look nicer when deployed.)
If they do get dropped, that'll buy me 70 points; in turn, I'll drop a terradon rider (30 points), buy a salamander (75 points) and probably put a Blood Statuette of Spite or a Diadem of Power (either is 25 points) on the Skink Priest.
My biggest beef are those damned terradon riders. The models are awesome, their in-game states are cool, but they're
expensive. They go for $20 a pop at MSRP. I own one from the ancient days, leaving three for these lists, but they feature heavily in larger armies, meaning I'll need to have six to eight total one day! That's a lot of cash. I'm not entirely sure I want to actually buy them -- at least not now -- but I'll need to do it someday if I ever want to play this list in any sort of organized tourney.
In the short term, I'm going to make them. They'll be my next project once Tetto'Eko is done.