Showing posts with label terradon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terradon. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Started on terradons

So, here's the start to the terradons. I'm trying a different approach with these -- I've got a base frame started. I found some cheap, medium-gague copper jewelry wire (about $3 for 7 or 9 yards). It's got a good amount of tensile strength but is still flexible. I had to use pliers to clamp and twist the wire at the heads, but was otherwise able to craft the frames with my hands.

The wings are made of stencil material. It's light, flexible plastic that's easy to cut. The frame is made of two lengths of copper wire, connected with a blob of Milliput. The wings were forced into the putty when it was still wet; I then shaped the wing vanes to the wings, added a dab of super glue, clipped them and let them set overnight.

Second, I began working on the body. I'm going to cover the vanes of the wings in Milliput, like this; it's really rough right now, but most of that will be smoothed out and later sanded down. Superglue was added to the Milliput and wing intersection; I really want to get those wings sturdy!
You can see the back here. It looks really silly right now, but I think I'm going to need it that tall. I'm going to be adding a lot of shoulder muscling with green stuff, and I'll also be smoothing out a lot of the body with green stuff. (I have a suspicion that these guys are going to be expensive -- about $10 in materials is my guess. Thank goodness I'm planning on casting them, not making more.)