Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday 'jacks

I had a tournament last week that essentially had the requirement of doing up a 'jack or 'beast in a winter holiday theme. I went through a bunch of ideas, and eventually settled on a few non-offensive, labor-light ones -- a Santa hat for the Deathjack, the Ghost of Christmas Past for the Harrower (to guide the ghost shot cannon) and the reindeer horn that Max from "the Grinch" wore for the Leviathan. It didn't all turn out quite that way, as you'll see, but I'm happy with what I ended up with.

First off -- this is the Ghost of Christmas Past. It's an old Necromunda model; I never played the game, so I don't know what it's supposed to represent. All I know is I saw it used for 99 cents about 10 years ago, loved it, and grabbed it. I haven't found a good use for it since, but it was perfect in this role. If I find another use for it -- and I may, if the newly spoiled merc requires extra goons to represent his zombers -- this paint job will get stripped.

Speaking of the paint job, it was super-simple. Citadel's gray paint-on primer, followed by a mix of ComArt Colour's "Transparent Forest Green" with P3's "Turquoise Ink"; I then drybrushed layers of Citadel gray paint-on primer (typically a no-no, it's really thick) and "Skull White." Finally, I went over the deep recesses like his eyes with a very, very light black wash made from Citadel's "Chaos Black."

And here's Max's sad reindeer horn, tailor-made for the Leviathan! So, why's it on the Harrower? Because I'm an idiot. I was doing the final touches the night before the tournament, got enamored of the Harrower, and just forgot what I was doing. In my defense, the two 'jacks share a chassis.

The brass wire is the worst part of the actual modeling I did. I felt rushed and couldn't make it look nice; it was also incredibly awkward. If I spent another 45 minutes on it, I could have made it look nicer; as it was, I was up too late, so called it square after getting it on. The antler turned out really nicely, though. By this time, I wasn't in any mood to paint the guy -- I really shoulda done more work earlier in the week -- so this is how I went to the tourney. (This was also the worst angle to see it.)

This is the final Harrower. It looks really decent for a slap-together job, if I do say so myself. The wreath is made of pipe cleaner, obviously, which I bought for 99 cents 'special for the occasion.

Oh, poor Leviathan. He was demoted from Santa-Grinch's special reindeer-dog-'jack to "here, hold this wreath" guy. It's OK, though -- he blew chunks for me in the tourney. (That wasn't entirely his fault -- the one game I played with him, I botched two really, really important dice rolls that I needed to make to protect him. There's literally nothing you can do about it when you're rolling 4s vs. a 5+ on 3d6.)

This is the Santa hat, in the "ugly stage."

And here's the final Santa hat, on the final thing most troops ever see. "I bring the gift -- of death!" Yeah, we get it Deathjack. It's in your name, too, we know. Showboat.