Thursday, October 21, 2010

Swamp Template No. 1, part 1

Bloody Barnabas makes 5-inch swamps. That means I need to make 5-inch swamp templates. I briefly considered cutting crude circles with the word "SWMAP" written on it with crayon -- just like what a crocodile would do -- but thought better of it.

The problem, from my point of view, is that so many terrain features aren't designed for models to tromp around on. I wanted something pretty, eye-catching and special, but I also wanted something that models could walk on.

Template No. 1 is my first try. I've got a few other ideas about what to do, but this one is based on the idea of a gentle slope (which models can be balanced on easily) and a central gap filled with solid, clear substance.

I started by cutting a 5-inch posterboard circle using a sharp knife and a compass. I then cut slightly smaller rings from foam core.

I then glued the rings to the posterboard.

Then I used green stuff putty to create a nice slope on the bottom portion; the top turned out to be too steep, so I just cut away from the foam core.

After a little bit more putty work, I was happy with my slope. I watered down some PVA glue, painted the whole thing with the adhesive, then added ballast to the template.

There's one of the bog trogs for comparison. There'll be another pass of ballast, then primer.

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