Friday, October 29, 2010

Swamp template No. 1, part 3

Swamps are teeming with life. There are, by my count, at least five things in them -- crocodiles, fish / fish-men, grass, cattywampus, crawdads and squid-man things. Six things. At least six things. So my swamps will also teem with life. To start out though, I had to model the smallest thing I could -- starting with a fish and a crawdad.

Oh they're terrible! I know! I have a defense, though -- they're tiny, tiny, tinytinytiny. Seriously, even by my standards -- these things are actually proper scale for a lobster (I know, larger than a crawdad) and a medium-sized catfish. Both of these are smaller than a quarter-inch long.

Part two, out the window with scale:

That's so much better! The fish photo isn't super-flattering, but it gets the job done. These are between 1/2 and 3/4 of an inch long -- in other words, they're between 3 and 4.5 feet in scale. That's buyable for a catfish, but we'll just have to say the crawdad is a mutant fantasy crawdad. I managed to not get my grubby fingerprints all over the crustacean -- thank you, wax paper, much appreciated -- but I stupidly touched the fish. That got sanded down the next day.

I didn't get any good photos of painted critters. Sorry! You'll have to make due with seeing the pair in their new home, a temporary swamp template. I'm seriously tempted to sculpt a few floppy fish and an upset crawdad for my warbeasts' bases, since these critters are gonna have to end up somewhere.

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